Thursday, December 9, 2010

Where have I been?

Sorry, know that I have been MIA.  But not really because I've had my eye on the blog and have been busy doing my WOS rewrites.  Let me address some of the questions that I've had since I've been 'inactive'.

"Is everything alright Pep? I know your either taking a break or writing, but let me knew if everything is ok."
A. I'm good but have been busily rewriting WOS so that it will be finished by the first of the year.
"jwi no u get asked this question alot but are u going to come out with another part to urban vampire?" 

A. I think that I would like to write Book 3, but not anytime soon.
"Hey do you have any play lists on youtube? I ish bored and  wondering what your in to :)" Gale
A. Yes Gale.  Here is my Channel on Youtube.  This is just my favorites and it is a hot mess of craziness if you are interested in what I'm in to, then this will give you a pretty good idea.  Feel free to friend me if you'd like.Pep's youtube channel

"I just thought I would get around finally to commenting on your blog! See I've been reading your stories for quite sometime now but never had the balls to leave a comment!!

I'm so happy your going to be writing WOS again! You wouldn't believe how much my life right now reminds me of that story :) Thank you for being such a welcome relief for the heartache of everyday life! It was a blessing to have something I could read and escape my worries even just for a little while!

I really look forward to reading the ending and hope that you feel better about writing it now :)" Aymie
A. It makes me feel good to write WOS when you guys send me messages like this!  It puts everything in a clear perspective for me.  Thank you Aymie!
Will talk to you all soon.  Off to bed for me!

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