Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Edit of Adaptation chapter numbers

Sorry! Hope I didn't confuse anyone by make two chapter 26s for Adaptation. I corrected the post. I hope everyone is liking the story and that those that have been holding off on reading it will maybe jump to the beginning and give it a go. 

I was writing chapter 28 this morning before work. Ugh, I started crying, man. That's when I KNOW that the story is getting real.  Sometimes as a story teller I don't like myself very much...However the story guides me and I am being true to it. But I don't like seeing little kids in pain--that absolutely tears me apart. 

So, for that reason alone I'm going to have to wind up The Trip in the next two chapters. It reminds me of writing Wheels of Steel, when Belinda (Peppermint Patty) was so sick. I wrote her death scene and it freaking tore me apart. I was literally balling as I wrote it. So to hell with it! I unwrote it and was pretty happy. It changed the ENTIRE dynamic of the story having her live but that was another instance when the Writer overruled the story. Thanks for reading.


  1. Im glad she didnt die. Taking her abilities to have babies was harsh and i was like wahhhhhhh!!!!. But I bet my ass kept reading. Do whatever floats your awesome boat. In the end we love your writting because its raw. Keep on keeping on Pep!

    1. Thanks MissClark. When I think back on writing WOS I'm exhausted, lol. I literally can't believe I wrote it in such a relatively short time. I don't want to do that again...WAIT...Adaptation...

  2. Wow I can't believe she was supposed to die in the story! That definitely would have been a tear jerker; especially since she's pretty much Robin's first platonic real friend. Random question: do you think you'll address the issues that Jason is having not knowing just how promiscuous Robin was during their break up? Belinda told Jason to leave it alone in book 3 but knowing Jason, I don't see him taking her advise lol. I just can't wait til book 4 comes out!! Haha :)

    1. I think Jason might still be curious about who she's had sex with. But Jason cheated too and so he really should let it go in hopes that Robin will do the same. Robin has some emotional issues to work through. She understands why she reacts the way she does but she hasn't shown whether or not she can stop using crutches to deal with those things that scare her.

      Jason and Peter are becoming famous. Is Jason emotionally mature enough to deal with that...what about Peter with his history of promiscuity? Anyway, chapter 4 should start dealing with a lot of their issues.


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