Saturday, July 2, 2011

Japanese fashion craze-e

I know these pictures look doctored...but they aren't. This is what some of the fashion trendy are wearing. These outfits actually have the ass painted right onto the material to look like the cloth is transparent. I think I want some...but with more junk in the trunk. Where are the badunka dunk booties? 


  1. I hate to break it to you, Pepper... I am a naturally curious person, so I always do a bit of light research when something strange catches my interest. I Googled "Japanese see-through clothes," and got the Snopes article from 2006 (reference: that had the same pictures, and it said they are falsified. There were quite a few others that came up on the main page, too. What had me wondering was how the see-through image has legs that are perfectly lined up with the wearers' legs. Definitely a hoot though, still....

  2. Aww darn, it figures it's not real. But you're right, still a hoot.

  3. So, just found out while watching Attack of the Show on G4 with my husband.... Spike Lee is directing an American version of Old Boy! Can you imagine? I'm so excited. My husband was just clowning me for watching Jungle Fever when it came on Encore last night. I was just talking about how Spike is the man and we were both really excited to see that. Had to tell you...and the "community"

  4. Really? Remake Oldboy? I hope he doesn't play in it, though, acting like a sidekick, floating down the street instead of walking. LOL. Thanks for the infor NS!


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