Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Son thanks you for his his happy birthday wishes

My son and daughter give me permission to show them prior to me blogging about them. I think it's only fair (legal) to not write about the family unless they give you permission. My son thanked everyone for the birthday wishes. His only regret is that I have him playing trumpet and it is below par. So he has been bugging me to 'capture' him on video showing his real skills. 

This wasn't as easy as you would think. It took many takes--outside distractions, him reverting to being a big kid, me becoming frustrated, my mother showing up and talking during filming, and her doing other stuff while on camera that really should not be captured. 

Anyway, here are some of the takes and the end result. 

He turned out to be a real good trumpet player.


  1. Your son plays very well, indeed.


  2. Thank you. I'll be sure to tell him, he'll be pleased!


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