Saturday, December 14, 2013

Weekly posts to begin NOW

I realize that my posts have been few and far between so I decided that I would create a remedy for that. Going forward we will have a weekly update. This update will appear no later than Thursday of each week.

What you can expect to see in posts: 
  • Free reads
  • Hilarious antecdotes
  • Pictures
  • Schedule of current events
  • Status of stories and upcoming projects
  • An occasional good natured rant... 
  • But best of on one communications with moi!


  1. YYYYYYaaayyyyy! I am looking forward to these.

  2. Made my night!! :D


  3. Hey Pepper,
    I love your work I have been following you since I was a member on Lit. and then I started following your blogs. You are a really good writer and inspired me to write myself. I hope you finish the Adaptation story because its is one of the good ones.



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