Saturday, March 2, 2013

10 Free JJ Murray IR Books from Amazon

(Reblogged from JJ Murray)
How would you like to read 10 IR/Multicultural Kindle titles … for free?

From March 1-5, 2013, 10 of my “H. M. Mann” (“human”) novels will be absolutely free to any Kindle owner.

These full-length, 100,000+-word novels were all considered then (sadly) passed on by Kensington because they were either too dark, too real, too spiritual, too ridiculous, or too “out there.” In other words, they weren’t “J. J. Murray” and “commercial” enough (whatever that means) for them to publish worldwide, and yet I have given away or sold over 25,000 of these books over the last two years. Their loss is your gain.

I am offering over a MILLION words for free for five days. Am I crazy? Probably. But I believe that an unread book is like a child crying in the night to be held … :~) Hold one of my “children”—or all 10 of them—today.



  1. Oh gosh I wish I owned an actual Kindle I just have the app Kindle for PC!
    Ah the King said to Mozart..."There is is..."

  2. Thanks Pepper, have managed to download the ones missing from my collection. I like HMMann's stories. Yes, they are different but they are funny and tragic and heartfelt and moving and frustrating and gripping. Much like your stories Pepper they make you soar and despair and run through a whole gamut of emotion right up to the last page.


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