Friday, February 18, 2011


  1. Whoa what an song to me after i listen to the song to me it was about a person addicted to smoking weed and shooting up i just dont know but what really ran through my head as i listen was how this was the perfect fit for that scarey and creepy ass story Fifth Avenue, the show that i watch on A&E called addiction and all the celebs you hear about going into rehab; to me this song was very errie!!!!!!!!

  2. There is a playlist on the very first page of Fifth Avenue found right after the logo. And this song IS on that...which actually is where I first heard it. Definitely play the playlist while reading Fifth Avenue. I actually probably should have said makes the story oh so much more dark...

    Here is the link to the playlist:

  3. Yea, I have this same song on my playlist became addict to it when I watch the movie Wild Things awhile back.



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