Sunday, August 19, 2012

Adaptation Chapter 8 & 9

I'll be releasing 2 chapters today. The next chapter will be released Wednesday August 22nd.

Chapter 8 ~Righting a great wrong~
Chapter 9 ~Decisions and Consequences~


  1. Thank you for giving us 2 chapters. The story is getting somewhere... I just wonder if you will add some romance to it or it will be a pure sci-fi work where the romance is optional.

    keep writing, it's great

  2. Good evening: Ms Pepper Pace
    Lovely chapter, I find this story outstanding and I look forward to reading every Monday. Thank you Bain.

  3. Before I read this, I want to thank you so much for so many chapters this week. This has been my weekly treat. I have been putting off reading this until I finished getting everyone ready for school. Now that I have completed my list of things to do it is my my honor to get to read this. Thanks!


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