Friday, February 12, 2010

Stories that won't appear on Lit

I had initially intended to remove the stories from this post every few weeks, replacing them with something different.  But the comments have been so awesome on The Way Home that I've decided to leave it up.  This post was intended to allow me to show some work that I didn't think I'd want to post on Lit or that would not pass the review.  Now I see it as a way to share with you all!  Feel free to leave comments in either this main thread or within the individual links.  If you leave them in this main thread just let me know which story you're commenting on.  Also, I copied the comments of The Way Home to its link just for clarity.  Thank you all again! I appreciate you taking time to not only read, but comment on my writing.   

I was inspired to return this story to my blog by some great comments by you guys!  The Way Home was edited by a friend; JG who spent a great deal of time and effort to get this story at it's optimum. We both knew that it would never get published on Literotica, so I guess this is a labor of love! 

This is a 'quickie' that I wrote for a friend


  1. I must say your talent surpasses any that I have are truly blessed. Let me know when you are published, talent like this should be paid. Girl please get you a publisher and put a book out. I have read other authors and none that is in this genre is even close to you.

  2. That was absolutly wonderful. You have got mad skills and I am really glad you are sharing it with us. Thank you for a great story.


  4. That was an amazing story. I could feel the emotions from the characters. If are ever publish, I'll be in the queue to purchase.

  5. Pep, you did it again. This story is so amazing. First love is so special and you managed to capture it. Your gift is amazing and I appreciate you sharing it with us.

  6. Pep, I just loved this story. Two people who have had such a profound impact on each other's lives deserve a happily ever after. You write such wonderful characters for your stories. Thanks for sharing.

  7. That was so beautiful. You are really talented and understand what a love story is capable of. All of you love stories show the mistakes, joy, tribulations, and pains that go hand in hand with true love. It was a pleasure to read this story.

  8. Wonderful. Okay everybody is going to hate me, but I am going to say it anyway. Please get published, your stories are too wonderful to be read for free.

  9. You are UNBELIEVABLE! How are you able to ALWAYS give us stories that touch the heart??
    You truly have an amazing gift.
    And I argee with the other posters: get published! Everyone should know about your talent.

  10. I am so happy that you all like this story. This is one of my favorites, but because its a love story that begins with underaged kids it can't appear on Literotica. I kinda worried that people would misunderstand it. The majority of people in the world are good and normal and don't have unnatural thoughts of children. This story is supposed to be a memory of first love. But some people might see it as something different. And I would never want to write a story that could be used to exploit a child. So thats why, after writing this, I didn't think I could ever use it. But I'm happy that I shared it with you all, and you all get the intent behind it.

  11. Wow! It's a beautiful story and beautifully written. I agree about your decision not to posting it on Literotica.

    I am a love story sucker...thank you for giving us such pleasure. Happy Valentine's Day, Pepper!

  12. Bravo!! Bravo Pep---

    Each time I read a story of yours, I am blown away! And as much as I LOOOOOOVE reading your stuff for free, you would be doing the literary world a disservice not to try to get published. Your stories make be laugh, cry, smile, get anxious.... experience and Thank you for taking me on a ride and letting me sincerely enjoy the journey!!!!

  13. Pepper

    I enjoyed reading “Stranded!” and the “Urban Vampire” series. Your writing style is fresh, easy reading while moving quickly.

    My compliments on your love scenes; they were not overly detailed but enough to entrance the reader. Many stories on are a little too graphic for my tastes.

    I knew you were a woman even before I read your profile. In both stories you spent a lot of time describing what your characters were wearing. I didn’t mind, I just blew through those parts but most men really don’t care.

    One constructive piece of criticism though is your use of prepositions. The rules of good English dictate that a phrase or sentence should not end with a preposition. For instance, the sentence “I was standing in the room that he walked into.” would be more properly stated as “I was standing in the room into which he walked.” Not a big deal, just one of my pet peeves. I see a lot of well written pieces that IMHO could be better by properly using prepositions.

    Keep up the good work. I’ll be watching for more of your writing.

  14. Good points, Ken. I know how that kind of thing can be annoying. It's like my pet peeve with the word 'smirk'. It's so over used in RP, which is where I write 75% of the time.

  15. Thanks for such a great read. I am glad that the story isn't on Lit because as you stated it is about kids. This was a very sad and romantic story. I really enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing.Divisionred

  16. Very sweet and romantic. Loved Kenny, I do agree with his reasons, and totally get why girlfriend felt betrayed and not included in his decision which affected her life too. Loved the ending, HEA......realistically told.

  17. I'm glad you posted this story, Pep, and glad others like it as much as I do. You are such a talent; you should be writing professionally and pulling down big bucks. :)


  18. Pep, I'd like to add that I really enjoyed editing The Way Home for you, and I thank you for your acknowledgment of my small contribution to the end product. It was like being asked to cut and polish a diamond, in my opinion. This story, and the other one I edited for you, Someone to Love, are two of the best stories I've ever read, anywhere.


  19. JG, what I like about working with you is that I know you will give me an insight that I have totally missed. I hope we can work together again on more stories. And for you to say that anything I've written ranks among your favorite stories means ALOT to me. Thank you, my friend!

  20. Hi, I cannot read your stories that will not be on How do you get access to them? Thanks in advance!


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